A Look Inside
I grew up in a loving family that enjoyed camping and watching me play sports. My mother and father are responsible for my strong work ethic and sense of humor. My sister and I have wonderful families of our own and we still enjoy family games and celebrations together.
One can easily say I had a unique Scouting experience growing up. I served on Roundtable staff, district adult leader training teams, and chaired the district camporee all under the age of 17. I love Scouting! It was during this

time, I sharpened my leadership skills and respect for volunteerism. I was active in my troop, served as an OA Chapter Chief, Vice Lodge Chief and Vice Section Chief. I helped write a youth leadership training course hosted by our Chapter and I served on many camporee and webeloree staffs. I couldn’t get enough of Scouting.
In my 30 years with BSA, I have been molded by the top volunteers I have worked with and have shared their lessons with the highly diverse staffs I had the opportunity to lead. Together, we have become results oriented and have delivered on the promise to serve more youth with a quality program. In each of the five councils I have had the privilege to serve, our teams have worked hard to grow and improve delivery in membership, finance, program, and unit service. I take great pride in the partnerships I have formed with volunteers and staff, and firmly believe leadership, enthusiasm, creativity, and caring are characteristics that are not only important to me, but requires that I set the example with the teams I work with.
Every day excites me to transforms lives. New challenges, new opportunities, and the prospect of making a difference in someone's life, inspires me to excel. Those we we serve will get no less than my very best from me and the teams I will work with.
I respectfully ask for the opportunity to become a leader in your organization and to work together to define what success means to your organization, select our path, and start movement.
My wife, Vicky, and I have been married for 25 years. We are proud parents of four awesome children; Daniel, Ryan, Andrew and Marlie. We are also gushing grandparents for our granddaughter Payton. Daniel, our oldest works at the Grand Canyon, Ryan is an Eagle Scout and a welder, Andrew is in college pursuing a career to become an airline pilot, and Marlie is pursuing a degree in early childhood development.
Prior to moving to Texas, Vicky worked as the church administrator for our church. Prior to this she worked for Visiting Angels, an in-home elderly care company. She loves working with people and providing companion care. She served on our Church council and taught at Vacation Bible School each summer. She has worked in retail, a pre-school teacher for a church we attended in Bakersfield, and has 13 years’ experience working in three Boy Scouts of America councils. I always say, she knows more about council operations than I do.
Maintaining a happy home life is paramount to our success as a family. We are stalwart nomads that are able to adapt to communities with each move we make. Each of the locations we served has provided us exciting new adventures, discovering new places to see, and making lifelong friends.

Geographies Served

Grand Canyon Council
Phoenix, Arizona
Grand Canyon Council, tenth largest council in America, covering over two thirds of the State. I served as a new District Executive in a two-person district. Mesa District, part of the metropolitan complex of Phoenix, is the largest district in Council with 10,057 youth and 463 units. Together, we operated our own satellite Scout Shop. We had over 200 Commissioners, and Roundtable had over 1,000 monthly participants. My Council assignments included Resident Camp Director and Popcorn Sale Adviser.

Aloha Council
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Aloha Council is one of the largest by area and most culturally diverse councils in America. Its “Where Scouting begins and ends every day.” It covers 8,000,000 square miles and included the islands of Oahu, Kauai, the Big Island (Hawaii) and Guam, along with smaller islands throughout the Pacific basin. I served as the lead professional, District Executive-multiple person, in the largest district in council; 2,279 youth and 112 units. I served as the Resident Camp Director. My title was changed to District Director, and I supervised the other three district executives on the island while maintaining my own district. It was here I began to work with highly diverse communities and began to develop my first staff team.

Golden Empire Council
Sacramento, California
Golden Empire Council covers 16 Northern California counties, ranging from very rural communities to a metropolitan city center with a large urban area, engulfing 20,000 square miles. I first served as District Director in largest district in council, 2,477 youth and 119 units, and supervised one District Executive and a paraprofessional for Urban Outreach. I was promoted to oversee the five metropolitan districts and staff with a service area of 9,446 youth and 437 units. Next, I served as the Director of Support Services responsible for both Program and Finance Directors, all support staff and six properties. My final position was as the Director of Field Service leading 12 field executives, support and outreach staffs serving 19,898 youth and 1,052 units.

Southern Sierra Council
Bakersfield, California
Served as Scout Executive/CEO. Council serves three large counties with large rural areas, 21,522 square miles. Highlights include, increased Hispanic outreach, revitalized camp operations and reduce operating debt. We also increased endowment and revenue generation annually. The council had four districts, 2 properties, and a staff of six. The council served over 3,400 youth in 209 units. With so many moving parts, this council tested my ability to manage, develop, and facilitate growth in a difficult environment and with limited resources.

Orange County Council
Santa Ana, California
Orange County is the sixth largest county in America with over 3 million residents. Five of the cities rank among the 20 wealthiest in America. It has highly diverse communities with sizable Hispanic, Vietnamese and Asian populations. I currently serve as the Deputy Scout Executive/COO. I am part of the team that manages a budget of over $8 million, five properties, and 35 full-time staff. At the end of 2019, we served almost 18,000 youth in 612 units. By far, this has been the most rewarding and exciting position I have had in the BSA working in this Class 100 Council.